Andrew Tarry

Recent Software Development Posts

Provisioning Vagrant with Chef

Vagrant is a fantastic tool for managing virtual machines and, for developers, it offers a great way to build you environments. One of my favourite features of Vagrant is that you can provision the...

Symfony Default Composer Scripts

Have you ever wanted to know what all the composer scripts in the default Symfony composer.json do? No? I didn’t think so but nonetheless, lets have a look at them. As of Symfony 2.5 there are 5 c...

Quick Tip - Full Screen on OSX Yosemite

When you upgrade you mac from Mavericks to Yosemite you’ll notice all the new styling changes that have come with it. One thing that can be a little confusing is that the behaviour of the green but...

Symfony 2 on Heroku

Since Heroku started supporting PHP it has become a valuable hosting option for Symfony apps. It offers a nice middle ground between the lack of control you get with shared hosting and the workload...

Apache 2.4 Configuration Changes

With the release of the Apache 2.4 server you may have noticed a few changes in the way that virtual hosts are managed. These can trip you up if you are not careful about the way you configure your...